lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011


I didn't understand potato = no entendí ni papa

-To the hair! = al pelo!
-It misses me spider = me extraña, araña
-What happened, broken-legged indian? = qué le pasa, indio pati-rajao?
-Pass me the haver = pásame el tenedor (mi lógica: have = tener,
haver = tenedor)
-I am unpatched = estoy desparchado
-That type falls me fat = ese tipo me cae gordo
-My friends are very ticket = mis amigos son una boleta
-They want to pass me by the cookie = me quieren pasar por la galleta
-It figured me to camel = me figuró camellar
-This bar is until the tits = este bar está hasta las tetas
- What a wet cat! = que mojigato!
-Today I ate overbelly with bonus bread = hoy comí sobrebarriga con pandebonos
-Batteries! = pilas!
-They took a shit from the laughter = se cagaron de la risa
Don't be so waterparty = no seas tan aguafiestas
Your singing wing costs me egg = tu cantaleta me vale huevo
We have to be fly, crazy = hay que estar mosca, loco
I didn't fall in the count = no caí en cuenta
Are you drinking my hair? = me estás tomando del pelo?
The fat lady went Rambo = se armó la gorda
Frying pan chinese, the cow bit you = paila chino, lo mordio la vaca
She stayed with the curlies done = se quedó con los crespos hechos
I got pigskinated = me enchicharronaron
She's a technology hit and run = la atropella la tecnología
There you are painted = ahi estás pintado
Too many catfish in this skewered beef = demasiados bagres en este chuzo
I have an edge = tengo un filo
It touched me go to leg = me tocó irme a pata
Do not believe me so gay = no me crea tan marica
Do not give tropical fruit = no de papaya
Raymond and everybody = Raymundo y todo el mundo...............